Friday, February 08, 2008

How Taxing!

It's time to start thinking about taxes again. I rather dislike this time of year - it reminds me of one of my most embarrassing moments.

Back when Miss Munchkin was an energetic 3 year old, I had to make a visit to H&R Block with her in tow. As we sat down at the desk with the tax preparer, I handed my daughter a bag of toys and threatened gently instructed her to play quietly. It wasn't too long before a great commotion broke out; apparently at least a dozen computers suddenly lost power simultaneously. Tax workers were jumping up and exclaiming, clients were crying, chaos ensued. With growing unease, I looked under the desk to find my daughter with her chubby little finger on the bright red button of a very long powerstrip.


April said...

oh no....

you poor mommy

MrsMama said...

It was truly awful. I haven't set foot in an H&R Block since.